
Damp-proof Sponge Inflatable Sleeping Pad

Sleep can help people to eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength. Especially in outdoor camping activities, choosing a proper camping inflatable sleeping pad will help you to have a wonderful night in the wild.
Sleeping pad has two important functions: 1.It can make you comfortably lying on the hard, uneven ground. 2, playing a role of the isolation layer between you and the ground.
Well, how do they work?
In terms of the principle of isolation insulation, sleeping mats, sleeping bags and warm clothing is the same: Between our bodies and the cold external environment, they are firmly catching some air and make them do not flow, our bodies will slowly heating the air, this way, they become our isolation barrier. Sleeping mats isolation effect to a large extent depends on how much air t can retain and freedom of the air.
The following is a selection of sleeping pads several main factors: Insulation effect, Degree of comfort, Weight and volume, Durable extent
If you're only camping in those days of good weather, comfort is more important than the isolation effect. But if you often travel, in order to ensure that your sleeping pad in cold and wet environments give you enough protection, recommended that you use two sleeping pads at the same time in the snow or tundra.
How much extra weight you can carry? Thicker, more comfortable sleeping pad would be more heavy, long-distance backpacking trip will cause you a lot of trouble; But if it is a shorter stroke, or you simply just like self-driving camping, that you can almost not consider this extra weight.
Consider to choose what kind of inflatable sleeping pad
Open-cell foam material mat: Comfort, light weight, and not expensive. The tiny open pores restrict air circulation, so it has good isolation insulation. But open-cell foam material will absorbs moisture and water, in a wet environment is easy to cause trouble. Closed-cell foam material mat: Cheap, durable, and isolation thermal effect is excellent. Moreover, this mat does not absorb moisture and water. But they relatively are more rigid and its cushioning effect is not better than the open cell foam. Inflatable mattress: as comfortable as open-cell foam material, but isolation insulation effect is better, the quantity of intake air can be adjusted and package can be very compact. But it is more expensive and heavy than other types of sleeping pads; moreover, it will be punctured or split.
There are many types, shape and length of sleeping pads, if possible you can try before buying.

